Santa Rosa CalGreen – the 2019 Checklists
Santa Rosa CalGreen – the 2019 Checklists
The City of Santa Rosa building department is the first jurisdiction in the state to update their checklists for the 2019 Green Building Standards code. The new checklists include the 2019 code changes and Tier 1 requirements. Unfortunately, the checklists do not identify those items that have been added or changed. For a complete list of all of the 2019 CalGreen Code changes see our white paper here.
The new checklists follow the same format as the previous ones. They will be familiar to those who have used them in the past.
The 2019 Checklists
There are four new checklists. The titles below are hyperlinks and the actual checklists can be downloaded by clicking on them.
The 2019 CalGreen Residential and Tier 1 Checklist applies to new homes, hotels, motels, lodging houses, dwellings, dormitories, condominiums, shelters, congregate residences, employee housing, factory-built housing and other types of dwellings containing sleeping accommodations, with or without common toilet or cooking facilities, including accessory buildings.
The 2019 CalGreen Checklist for Residential Additions and Alterations applies to additions or alterations that increase the conditioned space of existing low rise residential buildings including hotels, motels, lodging houses, dwellings, dormitories, condominiums, shelters, congregate residences, employee housing, factory-built housing and other types of dwellings containing sleeping accommodations.
The 2019 CalGreen Non-Residential + Tier 1 Checklist applies to all newly constructed non-residential buildings.
Lastly, the 2019 CalGreen Non-Residential Additions and Alterations Checklist applies to Nonresidential Addition and Alteration projects, without sleeping accommodations, that have a floor area exceeding 1000 square foot or a permit valuation exceeding $200,000.
Santa Rosa Leads the State in CalGreen Compliance
At CalGreen Energy Services we are specialists in the CalGreen Code. CalGreen consulting and checklist services are all we do. This specialty results in us working on CalGreen residential and commercial projects throughout the state.
There are wide variations in the compliance and enforcement of the CalGreen Code in California cities and counties. Many jurisdictions do little, if anything, to enforce the CalGreen Code. This is a shame as the code is the only one that addresses sustainable and green building requirements. These issues are a part of California living and the reason many of us love living here.
The City of Santa Rosa is, by far, the leader in their commitment to sustainable building practices. This includes the adoption of the voluntary Tier 1 requirements which allow additional sustainable measures to be included in the building design.
Furthermore, the city requires an ICC certified CalGreen Special Inspector to review both the permit plans and the installed systems for compliance. Very few building departments in the state require the Special Inspector design and installation review. As with any code or law, a lack of enforcement leads to a lack of compliance. By requiring this over-sight the city helps ensure the sustainable measures are installed.
This commitment is further demonstrated by their authoring the most extensive and clearly written checklists of any jurisdiction. For example, the city checklist clearly identify where support documentation is required, Tier 1 elective options, and who should do the final verification.
The Santa Rosa Building Department’s process ensures that all required CalGreen items are included in the new home or building. This attention to detail means our homes and offices will be healthy, energy-efficient and sustainable. It represents the best of California living.
For more information on applying for a building permit in the City of Santa Rosa visit the Building division web page here:
We have been providing CalGreen checklist and inspection services to the city of Santa Rosa for over ten years. Since we specialize in CalGreen we have standard practices and procedures that allow us to provide CalGreen checklists for your project at the lowest prices. Skeptical about our low prices? See our pricing here:
For pricing on commercial projects, please call or email to the phone number or email below.
At CalGreen Energy Services we are specialists in the CalGreen Code. CalGreen is our only business. If you have a CalGreen question please feel free to give us a call. We are happy to share our knowledge.
Call us today and let us show you how we can help with your project.
Phone: 707-328-5299

Gary Welch has over 35 years experience in the field of energy analysis and sustainable building design. He is the CEO of CalGreen Energy Services. Gary is an ICC Certified CalGreen Special Inspector / Plans Examiner.